Branded Art Projects

Art strengthens the spirit of the brand, generates credibility, admiration and prestige.

Corporate collections are not only a financial asset, but also a potential strategic resource for the company. Artworks and the way they are arranged in the work environment have the ability to promote intellectual stimulus, together with well-being and social interaction among the community.

Art installations for zones with great circulation, sound works for resting areas, commissioned and interactive pieces for external spaces, are just a few ideas on how art can enhance the communication and positioning of a company.

Branded Art Projects set the perfect opportunity to rely on the creativity of artists to engage brands and customers. Art books, exhibitions on topics that are important to the company and the community, educational lectures, public art interventions, can be carried out through private investment or incentive laws – envisioning what's best for the brand.

Branded Art Projects present a strategic opportunity to harness artists' creativity for brand and customer engagement. From art books to exhibitions aligned with company values, educational lectures, and public space activations, these projects can be executed through private investment or incentive laws. Maximize your brand's impact by leveraging the power of art in corporate initiatives.

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Projects and possibilities:

  • Creation and development of the company's collection;

  • Curatorship and exhibitions;

  • Lectures on the company's culture transmitted through their art collection;

  • Guided visits to art fairs, galleries and artists' studios for the company's main clients;

  • Creative dynamics with artists;

  • Publication of art books;

  • Development of social and educational projects through art;

  • Approaching and sponsoring museums and other institutions;

"Studies show that employees who have control over the design of their workspaces are happier, healthier and more productive. The presence of art also helps boost morale. It is proven to help reduce stress, increase creativity and encourage employees to express their opinions. ”

- Entrepreneur Magazine

Images presented from top to bottom are illustrative and collaborate to understand what is possible to create in corporate spaces: Installation by Tomás Saraceno, Art Collection of Deutsche Bank, in London, with works by Anish Kapoor and Damien Hirst (illustrative) and Julie Mehretu.